what is composite culture
the very words 'composite culture' are anathema to me. 'composite' means it is composed of parts. and the parts can be distinguished which further leads to the situation that they can be divided into separate parts. once they are divided then the question of ‘one nation, one thought process' goes out. the parts are then competing for dominance and the questions of superior and inferior cultures come in. furthermore, i think we are confusing the import of architectural style as import of culture or the import of new dishes as the import of culture. if so, it is a very narrow definition of culture. architecture is for the building style, not culture. dishes are part of culinary art, not culture.
culture means the basic principles which govern life. think what new idea has been introduced in basic philosophy of life in the last thousand years or so. almost nothing is it the idea of salvation by believing that sacrifice of one person, exonerates all of us and we are free to behave as we wish. or the idea that if you establish your superiority, you have served god. but if you die in the process you are a martyr.
the only basic culture needed is mutual respect, tolerance, and accommodation of customs and caring for the customs of others. and that is the bhartiya culture (or hindu culture, if you would permit it). swear by it and ask all bhartiya citizens to swear by it. and that mutual respect will mean ‘no more conversion’ and let those who still cherish the idea of vasudeva kutumbam come back to the fold. if you respect the ideas of life held by others, you will never ask him to desert his ideas for yours. if he believes your ideas to be ideal, he will adopt them without change of name, custom. dress, the past and what have you. let ideas co exist.